Bona Fide Visitors

Parking arrangements for persons classed as Bona Fide Visitors to the University.

Definition of a Bona Fide Visitor

A Bona Fide Visitor is a person from outside the University who occasionally attends such as outside examiners or those who conduct University business on a voluntary basis.

At the recommendation of the University Court it is the practice of the Parking Office not to apply Day Charges to Bona Fide Visitors.

Please note that a person, eligible but not holding a permit, claiming to be using their private car "in the service of the University", is not entitled to free parking. Arrangements exist, at the discretion of the Head of Department, to grant mileage allowance, which includes an element for parking in such cases.

Mileage Allowance

Staff should also be aware that they can make use of transport and delivery assistance for small moves offered by our Servitors.

How to arrange parking for a Bona Fide Visitor

The Parking Office must be contacted in advance if a Bona Fide Visitor requires to park in a University car park.

Please email the Parking Office with the name of the visitor, your department and location, and the visitor’s vehicle registration number.

Failure to do so will result in visitors receiving a parking charge notice. This results in considerable administrative expenditure and search fees for the Parking Office and retrospective waiving of the Parking Charge(s) may not be considered.

In rare instances when it has not been possible to contact the Parking Office in advance of the Bona Fide Visitor parking, and this has resulted in a parking charge notice being issued, the department host should return the completed notice to the Transport and Parking Office together with an explanation of the circumstances.

Transport and Parking Office

Estates Department

Contact details