Discounts on D-Locks

The Transport & Parking Office sells D-locks at cost price.

d lock securing a bike

The best way to protect your bike is to use a heavy-duty D-Lock, rather than a cable-style lock. These are made of reinforced steel, and are much stronger and more secure.

No bike lock is 100% secure, as any bike lock can be broken if the thief has time, perseverance, and powerful enough tools. However, using a D-Lock will create more hassle for any would-be thief, making your bike less likely to be targeted.

To promote bike security, we sell D-locks at cost price to staff and students. You can purchase a lock through ePay and collect it from the Estates Department reception (9-11 Infirmary Street). We currently have the following options in stock:

You can also buy D-locks at Doctor Bike sessions.