Information for Vehicle Coordinators

Vehicle Coordinators are members of University staff responsible for implementing the University vehicle policy within their School or Department.

Vehicle Coordinators

Schools or Departments which own or lease a vehicle and vehicles must nominate a member of staff as Vehicle Coordinator. The Transport and Parking Office maintains an up to date list of Vehicle Coordinators.

Vehicle Coordinators are responsible for registering University staff and students as authorised drivers. The Vehicle Coordinator should check a new driver's authorised driver form and their original driving licence. The authorised driver form and a copy of the driving licence should be kept on file by the Vehicle Coordinator. A full licence check can be completed on the DVLA website by following the on screen instructions:

View or share your driving licence information - GOV.UK (

Check someone's driving licence information - GOV.UK (

An annual check of each driver's Driving Licence must then be carried out by the nominated Vehicle Coordinator.  

For full details of the responsibilities of Vehicle Coordinators please refer to the University Vehicle and Driver Handbook and Vehicle Policy.

Authorised Driver Form (21.13 KB / PDF)

Procuring a vehicle

All University vehicles should be leased through the University approved suppliers. These are listed on the Procurement website.

Registering a vehicle (owned or leased)

Vehicles MUST be registered with the Insurance Office in order that they are insured. The Finance website provides detailed information on the University’s motor insurance policy.

Road tax

Road tax for University owned vehicles is arranged by the Finance Department.

Maintaining a vehicle

In accordance with the University vehicle policy it is the responsibility of the vehicle coordinator to maintain vehicles within the school/department. Daily and weekly vehicle checks must be carried out.


University owned vehicles must display a valid permit to park in University car parks. Various permits types and costs apply across the different areas of the University. 

Parking Permits